Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Tea Party and Real Americans are part of the 99% too

Occupy Boston - Dont tread on US!!!!!!!!!!!!

OCCUPY SF US Marine Speaks The Truth- Occupy Boston stand in solidarity with you.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Don't Tread On Me - Boston

Since colonial days, the rattlesnake has been used to portray the spirit of Americans. In 1774, Colonel Gadsden emphasized this by printing the legend "DONT TREAD ON ME" on his flag. The words swept the nation. The Culpeper Minutemen raised another defiant fist at the enemy by adding "LIBERTY OR DEATH" to Gadsden’s flag. The coiled snake might seem a strange symbol today, but it is effective. NO PERSON WHO EVER SEES IT FORGETS - AND THAT'S JUST THE KIND OF MESSAGE THE REVOLUTIONARIES WANTED TO SEND....